RPG Superstar Round 3 (Villains)

Oh it looks very promising and the one european on his way to the finals is still there! According to the new paizo newsletter we’ve got 17 finalists, who are already fleshing out villains for their submissions. Based on Pathfinder’s beta rpg system (the inofficial D&D 3.75) I have to…

[updated] Freemind for Roleplayers

Update: This has been announced before in the comments, Johnn of roleplayingtips.com and campaignmastery.com has posted his behalf of useful tips and helpful tricks with freemind. Make sure and have a look at what he’s got to share. (by the way, campaignmastery has just received a complete category revamp that…

Gamedesign: Rattled by riddles

Riddels in a game – they are implemented quite often and quite a large amount of gamers like riddles if you ask them directly. I am one of them, if you ask me directly, I love riddles in the game, but once I start thinking about my past experiences with…

epic preparation – p9 – Conclusions

Weaving it together – the final chapter. Boris Balkan: Now you can watch! You can’t come with me… I must travel alone but you can look on and marvel. Dean Corso: That’s very kind of you. Boris Balkan: Indeed it is. There have been men who have been burned alive or…

epic preparation – p8 – Actionplan

Actionplan Now we’re almost at the end of our epic-campaign guide and towards the end we got a key to success back hidden here. Let’s hope you find it useful since unless you’re already doing it with an actionplan and timeline you might find the concept a little strange and…

epic preparation – p7 – Politics

Political setup …or eeks – why should I do that? Politics… It’s easy – because you’ve got some really powerful characters running around and politics are always interested in having the big ones on their side. So we’ll have a close look to the politics of various groups, regions and…

Epic Words

Roleplayingpro has a nice feature of a new page out there that might be helpful to many of you, Epic Words. What’s epic words? A gamer toolsite where you can upload campaigns, characters – have some blogs of your favorite character from his perspective and many other things. They’ve a…

epic preparation – p6 – NPCs

NPC definition and setup according to character backgrounds You hopefully still remember part four of this guide where we took a few (more or less) random characters and interweaved them to our player’s character-backgrounds. Now we will take a closer look onto a few of them and add some more to…

epic preparation – p5 – Specialities

Specialities and additional repertoire of resources Now we got a basic network of persons, a world and everything about your players set and ready… This part of the guide will help to get yourself prepared to keep your players busy and yourself not always on the edge of your imagination.…

epic preparation – must-reads

I’ve started doing a little research before and while I was putting my epic-adventure series online. Advice of fellow bloggers is something I appreciate very much and something you shouldn’t miss as well. Therefore a few of my favorite picks on adventure preparation to improve your planning and having a…