epic preparation – p4 – Interweaving

Background interweaving So you’ve got your world up and ready, now we get back to a bit character work, by now you should know your characters pretty well and probably they know each other well, too. It’s your part that you enhance your player’s work by adding additional contacts and…

epic preparation – p3 – History & Geo

Studying of History and Geography Opener Now you got a few characters, maybe all of this is part of your long-time campaign / ongoing adventure and you’re lifting it to epic levels, maybe you’ve just started this draft and want to start all a new. It does hardly matter – you…

epic preparation – p2 – Character Generation

Epic Character Generation So we’ve started to prepare our toolset for the adventure or campaign in part one. Now comes the part most of us will definitely enjoy and the part that will have the strongest influence on the adventure itself – the characters. Just a short reminder , if…

Problems of an Epic Campaign

To be honest, I have a draft waiting and could not get myself to finish it. The whole epic-campaign blog entry was meant to get my own thoughts sorted and there is this discussion I had with Tom on friday that made me realize that I have forgotten one of…

epic preparation – p1 – Starting

Introduction Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve had a good series, but I have the feeling this could be one, if I get the words right… As a matter of fact it happens that on irregular occasions my gaming group has a 2-4 days special event, coordinated by one…

Colorful Language & Roleplaying

After reading probably too much of Richard K. Morgan, I’ve the rather strong urge to use more colorful words in our roleplaying games. I have to admit, I have started rather shy and slowly last session. As you might already know if you’re familiar with a few of my older…

of Wizards and Men

After pointing to a nice and probably for some of you very interesting link of a shared project by E of Geeksdreamgirl and SR of Stupidranger– they try to gather as much information on female gamers out there as they can, and as I am in one of those groups…

Adventures of Latizan the Dwarf

Latizan, I know a pretty uncommon dwarven name, isn’t it? Well, guess what – his profession of choice is even more uncommon where he’s from, but not unrespected and far from not-needed. He’s a tailor and he tends to be a real good one, but what’s tailor worth if he…

DM Checklist

What does a good Dungeon Master do? He creates a campaign where every single player feels like the main character, he balances forces in an imaginary world and creates challenges in physical (Combat), mental (Riddles) and social (Interaction) ways. Well I know there are a lot of DM advice pages and…

A short update on the current state

Good morning / afternoon / evening (day), damn so it was Donny who manages to get my conscience back on track. So my humble apologies for my absence. Actually I never was “absent”, but degraded my current state of blogging into a pure-reader. So you might want to know why?…