Inspired by – a wiki campaign journal (See the Choren blog reported earlier). I’ve started a short discussion or perhaps more of a proposal, that we could do very much the same for our campaign.
A short notice, since we’re a roleplaying group located in Austria, Central Europe and our native tongue is german, I’ve decided to start the wiki in our mother language – due to more or less obvious reasons. The primary purpose will of course be to enhance the details on various storylines, enable the GM and players to keep track of locations, vessels, past events and most importantly persons in the game. With our gaming group being very stable on terms of players that come and go, I expect that the wiki indeed is a great idea, and since I’ve yesterday best my weaker self, and started a partial index and several shorter articles in the wiki, maybe the idea really has a positive impact on our group.
I’ll try to report back here in case you’re interested in a few weeks, and tell how things have turned out. For all those who are interested in our wiki, it’s located here. (As said before in german)
Dear all, have a pleasant and relaxing weekend, I’ll report back after our sunday’s gaming here.