
Inspired by – a wiki campaign journal (See the Choren blog reported earlier). I’ve started a short discussion or perhaps more of a proposal, that we could do very much the same for our campaign. A short notice, since we’re a roleplaying group located in Austria, Central Europe and…


Well I tend to update my blogroll (you can hardly miss it – it’s right next to this text) silently. But I have to admit doing so probably does not give the credit many blogs deserve. And I came to realize that today when I read through a few rpg…

The Change, Death and the Lich

Or in other words, we had a recent change (not extremly unexpected) in our roleplaying group. Thomas took the seat of a player for once again and Roman traded his for the DungeonMaster’s. Now this is a great thing, since Roman already has thrown a lot of motivation into it…

d20 (4e) – ein Ausblick, Links und Vergleich mit WoW[de] Das – ist meine Inspiration. Nein, eigentlich hatte ich ohnehin vor, einen kurzen Artikel zu schreiben, nachdem gestern beim obligatorischem Käsetoast die Frage rauskam – “Wie funktionieren 4e Mechanismen?” Nachdem – der Artikel der viele Seiten des Rogue’s enthüllen sollte, seit heute morgen (und davor hatte ich nichts von…

A Ghostship Story

Good morning, it was a good afternoon & evening yesterday. Honestly we met around 13:30 / 14:00 for one of those nice gaming sessions, as we do so often (probably every two weeks). I started with short stories on our mission a few weeks ago and thought it appropriate to…

The Realms vs. Ptolus

It is not a real frustration – but recent events making things easier for me to shift my plans from Faerun to Ptolus. I’ve written two short (though german) reviews of Ptolus mid last year. But I never made it real to transfer to campaign to this world. Why? Well,…

And so the story began…

Friday was a special day – it all started with a communicative afternoon and turned into a fun(ny) night. Funny in the meaning of – (en)joyful and under the very words of “The lamb is heaven! The milk is the path!” Before you regard me as a lunatic madman and…

Die neue Gruppe

Bald ist es soweit, am Freitag startet die neue Kampagne in den vergessenen Reichen. Im Vorfeld haben die Spieler zusammengearbeitet und einen gemeinsamen Hintergrund gestaltet – den will ich niemandem vorenthalten. Charaktere Rei Malie (halbelfische “Mönch/Sorcerer bzw. Fighter/Sorcerer”) Vadania (halbelfische Druidin) Sharyl (elfische Tänzerin “Rogue/Sorcerer) Soinius (halblingischer Brandobariskleriker) Zu den…


So I started with the War of the Spiderqueen Trilogy… I have to admit – it is not the book of choice – it is more like a few puzzle-pieces I would like to know the get the whole picture. But it did start quite nice… I’ve not been that…

Shadowbred and Shadowstorm

First and foremost: Happy new year – have a good start into 2008 and may you be more healthy than I currently am ;). Besides health I had a very good start into this year, having found my apetite for books again and very recently finished with the two available…