4th Edition – Dungeons and Dragons

It’s now that I remember the days when 3rd edition came up – replacing the beloved 2nd edition with new rules, new ideas, a new flow that simply was strange to many fellow players and I do remember when dozens of them vowed to stick to the 2nd edition because…

Ptolus Zwischenstop und Richtungswechsel

Größere Spielrunden wie meine Ptolus Runde bieten eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, alleine die Potentiale der einzelnen Spieler scheinen unerschöpflich, schwer ergründlich und gleichzeitig so unterschiedlich zueinander ein Psychologiestudent hätte seine halb-fertige Diplomarbeit nach ein paar Spieleabenden… Gleichzeitig ist es so, dass durch eine Spielrunde mit 7 Spielern zwangsläufig die Terminkoordination nicht…

Day #3 – Showdown – Adventure roundup

Done, finally. After a harsh discussion on the end of day #2, mostly caused due to the sheer size of our group, 7 players, 1 dungeon master and the in my eyes “lack of respect” when my players don’t listen to each other but have 3 different discussions ongoing most…

Day #2 planned

Dear Diary… …this episode will focus on the “main objective” of our little group. One of the infamous and incredible dangerous blood mirrors. We will see whether They first find their path from the plateau where they currently stay through hundreds of orcs and some of izradror’s cultists, whether they…

Day #1 what happened

Repost from yesterday night – seems like I was really somewhere far away… I posted this as a page and wondered where it had gone… Well, as usual, it’s not always what you’ve planned. For once you forget things in the heat of the battle and on the other hand…

Day #1 planning

Ok today we’ve got to bring a party of 2 human, 2-3 dwarves (depending on whether Roman participates today) and 2 elves* together. All “groups” have their targets for the mission and at least some have to take a point in diplomacy when it’s about working together against the greater…

Pentecost adventure

Pentecost? I mean, is this correct? I never tried to translate holidays into english so far and I have definitely never heard of this term. Nevermind… Tomorrow it’s finally starting – a new episode of “specials”. It’s been a while since the last Dungeons & Dragons special, and so far…

What D&D Character am I?

I Am A: Neutral Good Human Barbarian/Sorcerer (2nd/2nd Level) Ability Scores: Strength-16 Dexterity-18 Constitution-11 Intelligence-13 Wisdom-17 Charisma-16 Alignment: Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden…

Your beloved Monster?

Well, I guess at least a small part of those who tend to read my blog are either roleplaying gamers or part of our gaming group. So I kindly would ask you to answer the question regarding what kind of monsters do you like? I’ll start with my personal preferences…

On the shores of war (part one)

It has been a hell of a day, with the lich slain Soinius felt still a lingering evil everywhere in the dark. The smell of rot and decay was too strong and overwhelming to even pause for more than moments to regain their senses. It was Erfenn who found and…