So I finally made my decision… And it was a really hard one to make. I’ve to admit I’ve always been a gamer type. Especially when it comes to roleplaying-games and computer games. The later made this decision a bit harder… I have bought a few games over the last months and found out – I just don’t spend time playing anymore. I either don’t have the time or am not that faszinated by the game. I prefer my friday rpg games over any other gaming activity – and for the rest there are two cats and one girlfriend to keep my busy trying to meet with a few friends at least every now and then ;). (And then we might end up playing board-games like Poh-Wow! :).

So far I think one thing has stayed the same for the last ten years, I’ve bought regularly a new pc – always some kind of latest-in-technology (state of the art) and this decision was a rather close one between the Samsung S70 – Despina, the ASUS G1S and the ASUS G2S…

So I will hope for the delivery of my new laptop (desktop replacement machine) in the next week. To be honest, I can’t wait ;).

Asus G1S

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